Wednesday 9 November 2016

The End Of The Line

It was a Saturday night and I had no plans; a rare occasion and opportunity for me. After bingeing on pizza at home, I noticed a flyer on the fridge about some markets and music that was happening down the road. I decided to wander on down and see what was happening…

It was a long walk to get there (I got lost) but eventually I had stumbled upon The End Of The Line Festival in Woolloongabba. What I saw was a street festival full of locals sipping craft beer with their Frenchies and listening to some dank DJ set while sitting on hay bales. Not long after finishing a beverage of my own, I decided to look further. 

The End Of The Line Festival definitely improved from here on out. There were food trucks and market stalls lining the street. The existing restaurants and bars were full of people with plenty of atmosphere. At the end of the street I saw a second stage with a band playing and I knew I was at the right end of the block party. 
The only full set I really got to see were Melbourne based band Teeth & Tongue. Despite having an extremely long sound check, their first track in particular was pretty atrocious from a sound perspective. The levels were all wrong and I couldn't hear any keyboard. A few tracks in and they warmed up and the sound guys got their shit together. 

I quickly grew to like them. Leading lady, Jess Cornelius's voice was reminiscent of Hayley Mary from The Jezabels and Siouxsie Sioux. She admitted to feeling a little timid on the night - perhaps because she was unhappy with how the set was going - and not interacting the way she usually would. But despite this, I thought she engaged plenty and had some entertaining banter to share. 

From this performance at The End Of The Line Festival, I'd definitely be inclined to see Teeth & Tongue again live at another event or venue to get a feel of their full performance potential.  

I felt so elated to have spontaneously taken part in this local block party. Although technically labelled as a festival, it was more of a night-market atmosphere for locals supporting local arts, music and businesses. I really hope to see and experience more of this in Brisbane. 

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