Monday, 27 July 2015

Regional Flavours Festival Southbank

A few friends and I had decided to head into Southbank and go to the markets last Sunday.
Little did we know, the Regional Flavours Festival was running that day as well!
Thankfully we had arrived on empty stomachs and were excited to see what was there.

After scouring the site three times over, I FINALLY decided on what to eat - Paella! It was delicious and such a good choice for me a the time; it was exactly what I felt like. I also treated myself to some iced green tea and bought some chilli and thyme marinated olives to take home.
My half eaten, but delicious, Paella.
There was so much of everything; it made it so hard to decide what I wanted. There were stalls representing some of the local restaurants in Southbank and Brisbane, as well as Australian produce stalls, wine tasting, a large variety of dessert stalls and master classes and cooking demonstrations.

Because we had no idea the festival was on, and just happened to be lucky enough to end up in the middle of everything, we hadn't made any plans to see anything in particular and didn't have as much time needed to experience it in it's entirety.

I was particularly impressed by the set up and decorations. The attention to detail was commendable. There were sections each with their own theme for certain cuisines and each little stall in the street was made to look like a pastel vintage food van even though it was just a table set up with required appliances behind the display.

It was very pretty to walk through and be a part of.  We were so happy to have stumbled across it.

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