Thursday 4 September 2014


When looking for a font that might describe me, I knew instantly that it would most likely be a round and loopy font. I've always been drawn towards them and my handwriting resembles those characteristics. After much searching, I came across a type which I believe is curly and classic with a contemporary twist whilst still maintaining a neat, tidy and symmetrical look. The font I  have chosen to represent me, is Capistrano BF:
I would love to have used curlier fonts on this blog, but they can often be difficult to read in sections of large text. The font I have used to head posts: Indie Flower, is a font that I believe resembles a "tamed loopy font"- something similar to a cursive writers print writing. The post text font I have used is Josefin Sans. This is a font that I just couldn't go past. It's easy to read, clean, simplistic but still matches up well with my favourite cursive fonts. 

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