Tuesday 9 September 2014


When creating a banner for my page, I kept to the colour scheme but also wanted to select a picture that communicated music and night life.

I'm hoping that once I get this blog up and running, I will use it to continue writing about music but also review the gigs I go to, especially those in the Brisbane area. Therefore, I felt that this banner not only has the name of the blog within it and works with my selected colour scheme, it also demonstrates a little of what this blog is about.

The name, Beats Per Minute, is a musical reference usually reffered to in its abbreviated form, bpm, which determines the tempo, or speed, of a song. I chose this title as one that I thought tied in with the kind of theme and look I was going for with this blog, but also when I created the URL I shortened it to 'beats-pm' which I think appropriatley represents night life - live music (beats) at night (pm).

Unfortuantely, to fit it in the header banner above, I had to stretch the image just enough so that it didn't appear distorted. This is how it looked before I uploaded it into the template:

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